Letter to my awaited son
Cycle "Mother capital"
As a six-month pregnant artist embarking on motherhood for the first time, I find myself deeply moved by the intertwining narratives of nature, creation, and the vast history of life on Earth. «Letter to my son» is an artistic project born from this profound connection. Through this series of photos, I aim to explore and express the evolutionary journey from the oceanic origins of life to the present, celebrating the continuum in which I feel being an integral part. The project weaves together the biological magic of human development with the grander story of life’s evolution. Each piece reflects a month – stage of my awaited child’s growth.
My Dearest Little One,
As I write to you, you are nestled safely within me, growing each day in your tranquil ocean—a tiny universe where you are gently cradled. Here, in the warmth of your watery world, you are journeying through an extraordinary process that has captivated my heart and mind. With each passing day, you echo the history of life on our planet, transitioning through stages that resemble the creatures of the earth and sea that came before us.
You were born in this ocean, my son, where you have already lived as many forms. Just like the fish, you began with gills, swimming through the earliest stages of life. As a reptile, your tiny heart grew strong and ready to face the world above the water. And now, you are becoming human, carrying the legacy of these animals within every cell of your being.
This incredible journey from animal to human is a story older than the stars—of evolution, survival, and transformation. You are a part of this grand narrative, my son, a testament to the resilience and wonder of life itself.
When you are born, remember this magical heritage. As you step into the world, cherish the life around you—the animals whose paths you once shared, the plants that breathe life into our air, and the people whose lives will be intertwined with yours. They all hold stories as miraculous as your own, deserving of respect and care.
May you always feel connected to the earth and its inhabitants, recognizing that we are all part of one great, interconnected family. As you grow from the innocence of childhood into the complexities of adulthood, let this knowledge guide your steps and inspire your heart to act with compassion and empathy.
I await your arrival with open arms, ready to meet you, my little one who has traveled through the stages of life to become uniquely you. Together, we will explore this beautiful world, continuing the journey you began in your first, sacred home—the ocean.
With all my love,
Your Future Mom and your First Home.Noah’s Ark

Project «Kaukokaipuu»
Inspired by the Finnish word « kaukokaipuu, » which describes a longing for places never visited, this series of works explores how memory, like a living organism, evolves, develops, and transforms, often merging into the fabric of our dreams, imaginations, and experiences, thereby enriching our reality.
Memory is envisioned as a zygote, born from the encounter of two authentic truths or experiences. This fusion creates an embryo of a memory which, once fertilized, attaches itself to the uterus of our consciousness. There, it is nourished and shaped by our experiences and perceptions, evolving daily through constant learning until it emerges into the light of our awareness.
Once born, the memory learns to interact with the external world, influencing and being influenced by it, acquiring new meanings, and adjusting according to our imaginations and associations. Smells, tastes, photographs, journals, and other forms of documentation serve as mediums, offering a return to these past moments but with a renewed perspective, thus constantly questioning the accuracy of our memories throughout our lives.
Personal memories are shaped by a multitude of external factors, making individual memory an almost collective phenomenon. This project addresses this life cycle of memory, beginning with a tangible subjective truth and passing through various phases of transformation that are not always immediately explainable. Over time, we may attempt to rationalize the past and establish cause-and-effect links, but the initial truth may be lost, giving way to a nostalgia for origins that perhaps never existed.
The project consists of 16 parts, where each one corresponds to the year lived in France.
Part 9 of this project is the series pf photos, covered with spices, the size of photos : 20×15,3 cm.